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Exports the current SketchUP view to a python script which creates a matching camera in Vue.

Экспортирует текущий вид из СУ как python скрипт и создает соответствующую камеру во Vue.
SketchUP Camera/Render plugins | Views: 1229 | Downloads: 154 | Added by: vladukez | Date: 06.12.2010 | Comments (0)

Simple animation that spins the model around. Adds a -Spin View- in the -Camera- menu. Also you can type in a speed of moving.

Создание простой анимации движения камеры вокруг предмета. Также можно задать скорость вращения.
SketchUP Camera/Render plugins | Views: 1532 | Downloads: 262 | Added by: vladukez | Date: 05.12.2010 | Comments (0)

Snaps a light to the camera, to align a camera light, for easier illumination as you render a scene with IRender
Привязывает источник света к камере.
SketchUP Camera/Render plugins | Views: 4991 | Downloads: 193 | Added by: vladukez | Date: 05.12.2010 | Comments (20)

Set of tools to create windows.

Набор инструментов для создания окон.

SketchUP draw/construct plugins | Views: 2515 | Downloads: 682 | Added by: vladukez | Date: 05.12.2010 | Comments (1)

Tool to calculate the volume of a selected Groups/Components.

Позволяет просчитывать объем замкнутых компонентов.
SketchUP draw/construct plugins | Views: 9220 | Downloads: 1515 | Added by: vladukez | Date: 05.12.2010 | Comments (7)

Creates circular faced 'followme' tube extrusions along a path - Use it to make pipes, ducts, rails etc, starting from a selection of joined edges.

Создает округлую трубу, выдавленную вдоль пути. Можно задавать детализацию. Используется для создания труб, капилляров, рельс ...из нескольких объединенных ребер.
SketchUP draw/construct plugins | Views: 7472 | Downloads: 1460 | Added by: vladukez | Date: 05.12.2010 | Comments (4)

Works like the Material Dropper,but for components and groups.
- Make a selection containing groups and components. (Doesn't matter if it contains more, it'll be ignored.)
- Activate the tool and pick another group or component instance to replace the ones in your selection.

The replaced instances will be made to match the bounding box of the old.

Инструмент для отбрасывания очерка выделения на поверхность.
SketchUP draw/construct plugins | Views: 24821 | Downloads: 248 | Added by: vladukez | Date: 05.12.2010 | Comments (5)

Set of tools to draw on surfaces: line (to draw lines on surfaces), various shapes to draw on a surface:Rectangles and Parallelograms, Polygons and circles, defined by their radius or diameter, Ellipses, Circle defined by 3 points, Circular Arcs, Sectors, Freehand on Surface, to freely draw contours, Offset on Surface, to offset a contour on a surface, inside or outside, Eraser on Surface to safely erase portions of contours draw on surface, Contour Editor, applicable to all contours drawn with the above tools. Doc included. Supports languages files. Version 1.6c

Набор инструментов для рисования на поверхностях: линии, прямоугольники  и параллелограммы, полигоны и окружности (по радиусу или диаметру), эллипсы (по 3 точкам), дуги (несколько видов построения), рисование от руки. Есть смещение на поверхности, редактор контуров.
+Документация есть.
+Поддерживает языки
SketchUP/SU USER MUST HAVE | Views: 4017 | Downloads: 686 | Added by: vladukez | Date: 05.12.2010 | Comments (0)

Tool to draw construction points.

Инструмент для простановки конструкционных точек.
SketchUP draw/construct plugins | Views: 1384 | Downloads: 224 | Added by: vladukez | Date: 05.12.2010 | Comments (0)

Matrix: makes multiple copies of selected component to create rectangular arrays. Proximity: sets level of detail in special Components depending on their 'proximity' (nearness) to the camera/viewer in the current page/view. It requires the use of special 'Proximity Components' in the model or in the 'Proximity Components' folder within the 'Components' folder.
Doc included.

Матрица: создает многочисленные копии выбранных компонентов, создавая квадратные массивы.

SketchUP draw/construct plugins | Views: 1232 | Downloads: 193 | Added by: vladukez | Date: 05.12.2010 | Comments (0)

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